individually crafted

Discover the Power of Food

Experience Lasting Results with our Science-Based Nutrition Program, tailored specifically to your individual needs & calculated with precision, to help you reach your goals.

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total body




Rethinking weight loss & well-being

By shifting our mindset from merely shedding pounds to improving overall wellness, we can cultivate a more positive relationship with our bodies and create a foundation for long-term health and happiness.


We believe that enjoying your meals is essential for long-term success, and that's why we take your food preferences into account when crafting a plan just for you. Whether you're a vegetarian, a meat lover, or have specific dietary restrictions, we create a nutrition plan that suits your palate, making it a delicious journey towards your fitness goals.

goal specific

Our nutrition plans are not just generic diets. They are goal-specific, tailored to your unique objectives. Whether you're aiming to lose weight, gain muscle, boost energy, or improve overall health, our plans are carefully crafted to help you achieve your specific goals.


We consider your age, gender, activity level, and any other factors that impact your nutritional needs. This personalised approach ensures that you get the right balance of nutrients to reach your desired outcomes efficiently and safely.


Life is busy, and you shouldn't have to reshape your entire lifestyle to accommodate a nutrition plan. Our plans are designed to fit seamlessly into your existing lifestyle, not the other way around. We take into consideration your daily routine, work commitments, family responsibilities, and social activities, ensuring that your nutrition plan is convenient and sustainable.

Tasty options!

Healthy food doesn't have to be bland and boring! We make sure our menu consists of highly nutritious food, that is incredibly tasty too, WHY? So you don't think of it as a diet, but more of a lifestyle change, where you eat more of the foods you enjoy, and less of the foods you don't.

overnight oats

gourmet burger

baked pizza

Baked cod

Chicken wrap

overnight oats

gourmet burger

Through proper nutrition we can enhance life's journey

When it comes to prescribing nutrition plans, there is no "one size fits all" approach. At G&A we understand each individual is unique, with distinct dietary needs, goals, and lifestyles.

A standardised approach fails to consider important factors like; genetics, metabolism, medical history, and personal preferences. Nutrition is a deeply personalised journey, requiring tailored guidance to optimise health and well-being. By recognising the importance of individualisation, we can embrace the power of personalised nutrition plans that address specific client needs.

Through this approach, individuals can achieve long-term success, nourish their bodies optimally, and unlock their full potential for a healthier and happier life.

1. Live Longer

Good nutrition plays a vital role in promoting longevity by providing essential nutrients that support overall health and help prevent chronic diseases.

2. Better Brain Function

A diet rich in nutrient-dense foods can significantly enhance brain function, supporting cognitive abilities such as memory, focus, and problem-solving.

3. Increased Overall Health

Good nutrition is the cornerstone of better overall health, as it provides the body with the essential vitamins, minerals, and energy needed to function optimally.

4. Burn More Calories at rest

A balanced diet can help increase your resting metabolic rate, enabling your body to burn more calories even when at rest.

5. Improved sleep

Good nutrition can positively impact sleep quality by providing the body with the nutrients it needs for hormone regulation, neurotransmitter production, and the promotion of relaxation.

Connect, inspire,

At the heart of any transformation lies the support and encouragement of like-minded individuals who share your goals. Our community is a vibrant and welcoming space where fitness enthusiasts, just like you, come together to inspire, motivate, and uplift each other.

We've created a Slack channel to do exactly that! Making lifestyle changes is hard, but with a community, you find the support of people just like you trying to reach their goals.

Get instant access to our community with purchase of any program or contact us if you have any questions.





